About me

Hi, I am Sandra Avila, biologist, educator and instructor in Emotional Management.
Between 1990 and 2021 I lived in Switzerland, where I had two children.
Over these years I experienced the motherhood of bilingual children, who lived among people in a melting-pot of various languages, origins and cultures.
For 17 years I worked as an educator and I specialized via a post-graduate degree in Teaching Herit age Languages in the Higher Faculty of Pedagogics in Zurich, Switzerland. I experienced Training and Learning with polyglot and multicultural children.
I dedicated myself to the areas of Learning linked to Neurosciences and for two years I studied for a Masters in Specific Didactics connected with Biology.
In 2020, during the pandemic, I decided to change the course of my biography, I started to intensify meditation and practice Hatha-Yoga and I was accepted on a Post-graduate course in the Albert Einstein Israeli Institute of Learning in São Paulo, Brazil in Emotional Management in Businesses – CEB Cultivating Emotional Balance.
I returned to Brazil with the a im of completing this training in person. I rapidly changed my environment and my language, and I flipped a coin.
Heads or Tails?
Do you really want to know?
Can a human being be happy just by changing their address clothes and language and living within another culture?
Or will we need to go deeper?
To find the centre, EMOTIONAL BALANCE is important to behaving better.
What is knowing how to behave better?
It is essentially knowing how to manage our own emotions in a healthy way, seeking EQUANIMITY.
Hülya Özdemir – art